Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects Eighth Edition by Tony Gaddis
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 The string class is an abstract data type. This means it is not a built-in, primitive data type like int or char. Instead, it is a programmer-defined data type that accompanies the C++ language. It provides many capabilities that make storing and working with strings easy and intuitive. Chapter 10 Characters, C-Strings, and More About the string Class In the function countChars, strPtr points to the C-string that is to be searched and ch contains the character to look for.The first operand is less than the second operand if the mismatched character in the first operand is less than its counterpart in the second operand. Likewise, the first operand is greater than the second operand if the mismatched character in the first operand is greater than its counterpart in the second operand.

The while loop in lines 41 through 46 repeats as long as the character that strPtr points to is not the null terminator: while (*strPtr != '\0') Inside the loop, the if statement in line 43 compares the character that strPtr points to with the character in ch: if (*strPtr == ch) If the two are equal, the variable times is incremented in line 44. ( times keeps a running total of the number of times the character appears.) The last statement in the loop is strPtr++; This statement increments the address in strPtr.

This causes strPtr to point to the next character in the string. Then, the loop starts over. When strPtr finally reaches the null terminator, the loop terminates, and the function returns the value in times. For another example, see the String Manipulation Case Study, available for download from the book’s companion Web site at . The counter is updated in line 25 and then the user is asked for the next number. When all the numbers are entered, the user terminates the loop by entering ‘ Q’ or ‘ q’. If one or more numbers are entered, their average is displayed.

The string-to-numeric conversion functions can also help with a common input problem. Recall from Chapter 3that using cin >> and then calling cin.get causes problems because the >> operator leaves the newline character in the keyboard buffer. When the cin.get function executes, the first character it sees in the keyboard buffer is the newline character, so it reads no further. The same problem exists when a program uses cin >> and then calls cin.getline to read a line of input. For example, look at the following code.

(Assume idNumber is an int and name is a char array.)  There is a great difference between a number that is stored as a string and one stored as a numeric value. The string “ 26792” isn’t actually a number, but a series of ASCII codes representing the individual digits of the number. It uses six bytes of memory (including the null terminator). Because it isn’t an actual number, it’s not possible to perform mathematical operations with it, unless it is first converted to a numeric value. Several functions exist in the C++ library for converting C-string representations of numbers into numeric values.

Table 10-4shows some of these. Note that all of these functions require the cstdlib header file. Relational operators perform comparisons on string objects in a fashion similar to the way the strcmp function compares C-strings. One by one, each character in the first operand is compared with the character in the corresponding position in the second operand. If all the characters in both strings match, the two strings are equal. Other relationships can be determined if two characters in corresponding positions do not match.

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